Volunteers are imperative for the success of the Benefice and the individual churches.
Each month The Church of England volunteers devote over 23 million hours across the country.
Volunteers look after the flowers, sing in the Benefice choir, open the church doors, cut the grass, become a reader, put the bins out, serve on the cleaning rota, help out at Messy Church, serve tea and coffee, carry out church maintenance, lead services, coordinate community events, serve on committees and much much more!
We also have opportunities to become a recognised Church Assistant, Reader and Lay Minister.
To find out more please contact one of the Church Wardens.
A volunteer application form can be downloaded from here.
Mandatory Volunteer Safeguarding Training can be found here.
Mandatory GDPR Training can be found here.
Guidance on payments to volunteers (aka expenses) can be found here.
Please be aware, no payments other than the reimbursement of expenses incurred are paid to volunteers/Office Holders.
To claim an expense, a completed expenses form and a copy of the relevant receipt/invoice should be provided ASAP within three months of the date incurred.
Reimbursement is only made by bacs or cheque and authorization should always be sought before incurring the expense.