What is the Electoral Roll?
Electoral rolls provide an indication of the real membership and strength of the church.
The church’s Electoral Roll is the register of its members; it is a list of those qualified to attend and to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting.
How do I join the roll?
Electoral Rolls need to be revised annually at the Annual Church Meeting. With the new changes to the Church Representation Rules, names no longer need to be removed from the roll during the course of the year; they only need to be added. Names are still removed, as appropriate, at the annual revision.
Form for Application for Enrolment onto the Electoral Roll in word and as a pdf
When is the roll published?
After the completion of a revision of the roll of a parish, the PCC must publish the roll (electronically or otherwise) as it decides for 14 days, and make a copy of the roll available for inspection.
Rolls may be published electronically instead of in paper form. The roll as published must include every name entered on the roll but not other personal data (e.g. addresses).
Once in every six years the preparation of new church electoral rolls takes place, which means that everyone must come off the roll and re-apply. The next occasion for the preparation of new rolls is in 2025.